Shtf ammo stockpile
Shtf ammo stockpile

A shotgun can be used to kill waterfowl, turkey, game birds, and with a slug or 00 buck loads can be used to kill the larger game and be used in home or self-defense. 20 gauge should be something every gun owner owns in addition to a. The focus here is of course hunting and defense. Even if you did, what are the odds of you surviving dozens of gunfights? I have done my best to put together a realistic minimal goal for ammunition needs during a survival situation. But I doubt you will be engaging in a firefight after firefight with gangsters or looters every day in a survival situation. My crystal ball stopped working a long time ago. In all truth, it is impossible to see the future and know how much ammunition you will need. With the price of ammunition today, you’ll go broke. Well, if you are going to invade a small Caribbean nation, go ahead and pursue your 100,000 rounds. And while 100,000 rounds is an impressive amount of ammunition, enough to fight a small war, it is completely insane to think you will ever need that much ammunition. In fact, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard the question, “how many rounds should I have on hand in case something happens?” If you read the forums and even some articles, a lot of armchair generals and self-described “experts” say you need to amass 100,000 rounds per caliber, minimal.

shtf ammo stockpile

ISIS is rampaging through the Middle East and their sympathizers are attacking innocent people in the USA, Europe, and Canada. The economy can be compared to a savage ocean. Like it or not, we have to admit that this is not the 1990s anymore and we are seeing an increase in danger daily. Sure, there are always a few crazies, but there are many normal people who do have a fear of what could happen in our increasingly volatile world.

shtf ammo stockpile

One guy, I met really believed in an alien invasion followed by an Illuminati takeover. There are really only a few loons out there who prepare for impossible and downright foolish reasons. After years in the shooting community, I have heard many reasons people stockpile ammunition for emergencies. If you have ever spent any time at all on a survival or firearm forum, you are bound to come across the phrase “ Buy it cheap, and stack it deep.” This phrase is, of course, referring to the amount of ammunition one should have if disaster strikes.

Shtf ammo stockpile